Emergency Shelter Plan
In 2022, the City of Mason contacted us about putting together an emergency shelter plan for the residents. We met with city officials and area churches. As a result, we now have four local churches that have agreed to open their doors during periods of extreme heat, tornado warnings and extended power outages. Notices with locations and hours open will be posted on our Facebook page, the city's and church's social media sites as well as on the city's website.
Mason Community Church
1000 E. Columbia
First United Methodist Church
201 E. Ash Street
First Church of the Nazarene
415 E. Maple Street
First Presbyterian Church
131 E. Maple Street

Power outages: when the power is expected to be out for more than 48 hours.

Extreme Heat: when the heat index is predicted to be 105
degrees for 2 or more days.

Tornado warnings: the shelters are alerted when there is a watch to be prepared if a warning is issued.